Justin L. Tan
Principal Investigator
2020 - Present Principal Investigator, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
2017 - 2020 Junior Principal Investigator, Genome Institute of Singapore
2015 - 2020 Research Fellow, Cancer Science Institute, NUS
2014 - 2015 Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston Children's Hospital
2008 - 2009 Research Officer, Genome Institute of Singapore
2009 - 2014 Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, Harvard University
2005 - 2008 B.Sc. in Biochemistry, UCLA
2010 Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University
2009 Agency for Science, Technology & Research Scholarship (PhD), Singapore
2008 Departmental Highest Honors, UCLA Biochemistry, UCLA
2008 Geissman Award for Excellence in Organic Chemistry, UCLA
2005 Agency for Science, Technology & Research Scholarship (BSc), Singapore
Iqra Ishrat
Postdoctoral Fellow
Qing Tang (Icy)
Ph.D. Student
Zaffar Bhat
Postdoctoral Fellow
Yuanping Wei
Ph.D. Student
Yanxi Huang (Orietta)
Ph.D. Student
Ruiqi Ma (Ricky)
Ph.D. Student
Na Wei (Martina)
M.Sc. Student
Yanqing Chen
M.Sc. Student
Shamy Lu
M.Sc. Student
Joanna Yeo
Former Research Assistant
Ph.D., A*STAR / Nanyang
Technological University
Zhi Han Lim
Former Research Assistant
Junior Scientist II,
Alina Stein
Former Student Intern
Ph.D., University of Basel, Switzerland
Alexandra Chivu
Former Student Intern
Ph.D. Student,
Cornell University
Jervin Tay
Former Student Intern
B.Sc. Student,
Singapore Institute of Technology
Yock Sin Lay
Former Student Intern
B.Sc. Student,
National University of Singapore
Yi Xuan Low
Former Student Intern
Ph.D. Student,
Imperial College London
Siyuan Wang
Former Student Intern
M.Sc. Student,
Duke University
Zi Wang
Former Student Intern
B.Sc. Student,
Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen
Meng Qiao (Melody)
Former Lab Manager
Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
Yifan Hong
Former Associate Researcher
Hilary Ho
Former Postdoctoral Fellow